Si Cheng

Photo of Si Cheng
Magnuson Health Sciences Center - T Wing
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I entered the Department of Biostatistics as a PhD student in 2018. I am broadly interested in graphical models and statistical learning methods. Since September 2018, I have been working with Dr. Katie Kerr as a research assistant. Our work includes evaluating biomarkers for prognostic enrichment of clinical trials, particularly for those with survival outcomes. I am also working with Dr. Ali Shojaie on regularization methods for spatial point processes.

I obtained my MS degree in Biostatistics at Yale University, where I worked with Dr. Forrest Crawford on the large-sample behavior of population size estimators, especially those for hard-to-reach populations. Before that, I received my BS in Mathematics at Tongji University in Shanghai, China.

I entered the Department of Biostatistics as a PhD student in 2018. I am broadly interested in graphical models and statistical learning methods. Since September 2018, I have been working with Dr. Katie Kerr as a research assistant. Our work includes evaluating biomarkers for prognostic enrichment of clinical trials, particularly for those with survival outcomes. I am also working with Dr. Ali Shojaie on regularization methods for spatial point processes.

I obtained my MS degree in Biostatistics at Yale University, where I worked with Dr. Forrest Crawford on the large-sample behavior of population size estimators, especially those for hard-to-reach populations. Before that, I received my BS in Mathematics at Tongji University in Shanghai, China.