Nina Galanter

Grinnell College

I am a Ph.D. student in the Department of Biostatistics. My academic advisor is Dr. Barbara McKnight. I am also a trainee in the Biostatistics, Epidemiologic, and Bioinformatic Training in Environmental Health (BEBTEH) training program. Before beginning my Ph.D., I graduated with a B.A. in Mathematics from Grinnell College and spent a year as an Americorps VISTA volunteer. My research interests include causal inference and computational methods.

Grinnell College

I am a Ph.D. student in the Department of Biostatistics. My academic advisor is Dr. Barbara McKnight. I am also a trainee in the Biostatistics, Epidemiologic, and Bioinformatic Training in Environmental Health (BEBTEH) training program. Before beginning my Ph.D., I graduated with a B.A. in Mathematics from Grinnell College and spent a year as an Americorps VISTA volunteer. My research interests include causal inference and computational methods.